Sleep, My Child
Breaking the barrier between public and private life in the poetry world, Anne Sexton took her life listening to the radio as if it was a mother singing their child to sleep.

Beloved Dust
Edna St. Vincent Millay fought with jealousy and alcoholism when all her suitors moved on to a younger woman.

Mother Medusa
Witnessing her mother's infidelity from an early age, Louise Bogan became traumatized from her mother's actions throughout her childhood.

Anche La Follia Merita Suoi Applausi
Going in and out of mental asylums, Alda Merini did not write for 20 years.

Suffering immensely from her bipolar disorder, Sylvia Plath started self harming and attempted suicide at the age of 10.

The Voice/ The Waves
In Virginia Woolf’s suicide note, she told her husband, Leonard, that if anyone could save her from her pain, it would have been him.

Dizzying Times
Enduring both her parent's deaths at a young age, then dealing with the suicide of her notable partner, Elizabeth Bishop fought hard to keep living.

Missing Deadlines
Struggling with an alcohol dependence, Dorothy Parker missed endless deadlines near the end of her life.